Friday, March 2, 2012

HOC: Dutch girls avenge Cup heartbreak to enter Olympic final

AAP General News (Australia)
HOC: Dutch girls avenge Cup heartbreak to enter Olympic final

By Kuldip Lal

ATHENS, Aug 24 AFP - The Netherlands buried the ghosts of the last World Cup when they
entered the Olympic women's field hockey final here today by defeating world champions
Argentina 6-4 after the tie-breaker.

Dutch goalkeeper Clarinda Sinnige saved two penalty strokes in the tie-breaker to lead
her team to victory after both teams were tied 2-2 in regulation time and failed to break
the deadlock in extra-time.

The absorbing semi-final followed exactly the same pattern of the 2002 World Cup final
between the two teams in Australia which Argentina won on strokes after being 2-2 in extra-time.

This time, however, it was time for the Dutch to celebrate along with hundreds of supporters
that packed the Helliniko hockey stadium.

The Netherlands, who won bronze at the Sydney Olympics four years ago, play the winner
of Tuesday night's second semi-final between China and Germany in the final on Thursday.

The Dutch appeared to have the match wrapped up when they led 2-1 with just two minutes
remaining in regulation time.

But a controversial penalty corner goal by Maria Aicega allowed the South Americans
to extend the match into extra-time.

New Zealand umpire Lyn Farrell, who consulted her Australian colleague Minka Woolley,
overruled the Dutch protest that Aicega's hit was dangerously high when it struck the

In the tie-breaker, Janneko Schopman, Ageeth Boomgaardt, Mijntje Donners and Lieve
van Kessel converted their strokes for the Dutch.

But their fifth shot was not required after the Dutch took an unbeatable 4-2 lead when
Argentina's Maria Rognoni and Ayelen Stepnik were thwarted by the rival goalkeeper.

For Argentina, Maria Margalot and Luciana Aymer found the target.

Earlier, the Dutch forced four penalty corners in the first half, but it was Argentina
which met with success when Agustina Garcia dribbled into the circle and beat goalkeeper
Sinninge with a deft swerve.

Argentina earned two penalty corners late in the first half, but Sinninge warded off
the danger each time.

The Dutch went into overdrive after resumption and drew level in the 41st minute when
Sylvia Karres deflected in a pass from the right flank by Minke Booij.

Four minutes later, Donners slammed in the first penalty corner of the second half
to put the Dutch 2-1 ahead.

AFP nha


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