Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hide

To diddle an old saying: You can't judge a gay author - or his book - by the cover.

Case in point: Groundbreaking 1 95 1 sociological expose, "The Homosexual in America.55 Gay nom de plume: Donald Webster Cory. Real name: Edward Sagarin. Outed dramatically 24 closeted years later. (A gay Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide, er, Hyde.)

Cory's "Homosexual55 followed three years after Alfred Kinsey 5S shelf- shocker, "Sexual Response in the Human Male.55 Both books provided in-your-face facts, focus, insights on a previously little discussed - statistically undocumented subject - homosexuality.

Kinsey, a biologist and authority on Gall Wasps, turned his scientific cataloging to …

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