Friday, March 2, 2012

Fed: ACA plans changes to telephone number zones in rural areas

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: ACA plans changes to telephone number zones in rural areas

CANBERRA, Feb 11 AAP - People living in rural areas could soon be able to make cheaper
calls if proposed changes to telephone number zones are introduced.

The Australian Communications Authority (ACA) is considering changing the Telecommunications
Numbering Plan 1997 to allow new standard zones to be created in rural and remote areas.

Acting ACA chairman Bob Horton said new zones would provide improved local call access
to telephone users in country areas which are not currently zoned.

He said the proposed changes would allow the ACA to consider proposals from phone companies
to introduce new zones and improve local call arrangements.

"Currently, in unzoned circumstances, telephone service providers must issue a customer
with a telephone number from the closest or most convenient zone," he said.

"There are examples of customers only five kilometres apart having their calls chargeable
at long distance rates."

The ACA is calling for comments on the plan to introduce standard zones.

The closing date for written submissions is May 11.

AAP bt/sb/cjh/br


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