Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fed: Labor says greenhouse figyres a wake up call

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Labor says greenhouse figyres a wake up call

Labor says greenhouse figures showing Australia's gas emissions are 17.4 per cent higher
than in 1990 are a wake-up call for the federal government.

Environment spokesman NICK BOLKUS says the continuing increase in emissions, including
a 1.1 per cent rise 1999, is unacceptable.

He says Australia's target to keep emissions growth to within eight per cent of 1990
levels under the Kyoto protocol is achievable, but the government has to take it seriously.

Senator BOLKUS says Australia has to continue to reduce land clearing and keep a lid
on emissions growth in the energy sector.

The figures show electricity generation accounts for 37 per cent of emissions, up 24.6
per cent since 1990, and transport for 16 per cent, up 20.3 per cent over the same period.

Conservationists say the figures show why Australia must keep its commitment to the
Kyoto protocol, despite United States opposition.

The Australian Conservation Foundation has welcomed the slowing in growth, but says
the increases in emissions from transport and electricity are unacceptable.

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